Encaja Embalajes
Encaja Embalajes
Company Overview

Encaja has more than 80 years of experience in the sector, initially specializing in the manufacture of wooden packaging and currently developing comprehensive solutions in the field of logistics, transport and packaging.

We develop our activity at a national and international level, having production centers in Madrid, Asturias, Alicante, Catalonia and Düsseldorf. In addition to a wide network of distributors.

We have a team of professionals with extensive experience and qualifications. Among them, our technical department stands out, which is specialized in the study, analysis and development of new projects; as well as the marketing department and the sales and marketing department, which provide communication, feasibility and solutions to the latest market trends.

Encaja provides its customers with a 360º comprehensive service in the field of packaging and logistics. This service ranges from advice and optimization in the packaging processes of companies, to the implementation of sustainable packaging and "just in time" operations that include storage and centralized management of purchases and transport.

In addition, we offer training in different areas (EN12195, IMO2014, ADR, RID, IATA, among other areas) and we sell all kinds of products belonging to the field of packaging and cargo transport.

It should be noted that the company has national and international patents, among which is our flagship product Caja Eco®, an ecological and reusable wooden box.

Company Information
Encaja Embalajes
Business Type
Main Products
Wood packaging, Protective packaging, Flexible packaging
City / State
Poligono Industrial Finca Lacy, Calle rebajadoras K Elda, Alicante
Established Year
Factory Information
Factory Size
Total QC Staff
Total RND Staff
Number of Production Lines
Annual output
Average Lead Time
Trading Information
Total Revenue
Export Percentage
Nearest Port
Overseas Office
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