We, at ADline, are manufacturing and exporting Nylon Monofilament, Fishing Line, Polypropylene, Polyester, PC yarn, PE yarn, Knitting thread, polyamide chips,and special monofilament line. With the usage of most dynamic and modern technology we have producing high quality product under the brand name ADline. Our product quality and long durability has given a great reorganization to our brand into the market.The unit has been established in industrial area of Dongguan which is well equipped with latest technological machineries, finest infrastructure, proper road connectivity, great communication facility and all that things which are primary necessity for an industry to grow. The entrepreneurship spirit and experience of many years of the promoters of ADline Monofilament Technology has given the unit a new height of success and the unit which has been started in a small town of Dongkeng now spread their wings into all over China as well as entered into the market of exports to the world. Our team is not only actively involved in production focus but also constantly working on finding new market opportunities. We are regularly participating into national & international trade fares, exhibitions, conferences etc to get ourselves updated with the latest opportunities onto the market. Our sales team is made out of experts who is expanding the network of the company and giving new horizon of sales.